Getting the Contracts You Want

Getting the Contracts You Want

  • When talking with your recruiter, make sure they know your desires – Is location most important? Type of clinic setting? Length of contract?
  • If you really want to be in a certain state, it helps to get your license ahead of time (months in advance), so you are ready whenever something pops up!
  • Do your research for how long it takes to get licensed in whatever states you are looking into. Sometimes it might be worth it to get licensed in a few at a time to have more options.
  • When your recruiter sends you a possible location, make sure you do some background checking on the city/community. Is it safe? How high are the crime rates? What type of crime is highest occurring? How large is the city population? What is the median household income? What is the average price of a home/apartment? What kind of shopping is nearby? Is there an airport nearby?
  • Always ask for whatever days you know you for sure want off during a contract ahead of time. You should even think about the Friday after Thanksgiving. It’s much easier to include them in your contract than to ask for them later.
  • If it works out, try to plan your longer trips/vacations between contracts. We usually take two weeks off between each contract to make our way toward our next place (with some fun stops along the way), visit family and friends, and/or go on vacation.